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Warm and Cosy: Choosing The Right Towel Size

Is there anything more frustrating than coming out of a steamy, relaxing shower and wrapping a towel around you only to find it covers little, making you think you chose a face washer by mistake? You double check and no, it is a regular-sized towel.

Below is the definitive towel size guide to getting it right. May it help you in your quest to always have enough towel to keep you dry, and also to strategically place towel rails in your bathroom.

The Bath Sheet

80-100cm x 150-170cm

The average man is 176cm tall and the average woman is 164cm tall, so a bath sheet is the best option for keeping adults dry. However they will be too big for children, they will drag on the wet floor and take up too much space in your washing machine.

The Bath Towel

68-70cm x 132-140cm

Most hotels use this size of towel and it does a decent job at keeping you dry. It is best suited to children or families whose members are not overly tall.

The Hand Towel

40-50cm x 60-70cm

As the name suggests, it is a great choice for hanging next to a basin — but less great to use after a shower.

The Face Washer

30-34cm squared

While once very popular to use on the face, are declining in popularity thanks to loofahs, bath or shower lilies (those plastic scrunchy-type loofah thingies), sponges, brushes and gloves.

(Be sure to check the measurements of towels before you buy them because measurements can vary between brands)

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